Minutes for Historic Cannon's Addition Community Development Steering Committee Tuesday, September 7, 2004

The meeting was called to order at 7pm by John Downes, standing in for Chairman Tom Hemkin. There were 16 in attendance. The minutes of the meeting of May 4 were not available.

Guest speaker, Senator Lisa Brown, was present. She listened to concerns from members and promised to look into the number of group homes in the area. If any decisions on  this matter are being made at the state level, she will see what can be done.

Rev. Kevin Finch of First Presbyterian Church spoke enthusiastically about working with the Steering Committee to improve the neighborhood. A letter from First Presbyterian regarding the park clean up was read by Edna Meyer.

Committees Reports:

Park-Ted Barnwell spoke on the success of the park clean up. Ted also brought up the idea of paving the path from Elm Street into the park. There was some discussion of property owners wanting the Parks Dept. to put up a fence along the property lines. It was decided to pursue both matters at a later date.

Sidewalks-John Downes reported that the city is nearly ready to start the annual repairs. There will be two wheel chair, ramps installed. The price of these has risen considerably. The list of repairs needed on the sidewalks is so long and the funds that will probably be available in the future so fe_ that a new list will most likely not be necessary for next year.

Trees- Izzy Hawkins, chairperson for the committee, sustained an injury and thus could not attend the committee meetings, but she reported that Joann Moyer (not present September 7) had held a meeting.

New Business:

Leaf pick-up is Saturday, November 6, from 8:00-1:00.' Members are encouraged to come for an hour or two. There will be no appliance pick-up this year since the Cliff Cannon group is doing it.

It was suggested that we have a Winter Potluck at the December meeting.

The meeting was adjourned at 8:30.

Respectfully submitted,

Rachel Martin

Cannon Home: http://cannonsaddition.tripod.com