We, the members of the Historic Cannon's Addition Community Development by unanimous action submit the following documentation and strongly request action: For decades this large parcel of real estate has been allied to be overgrown with brush and vegetation. It has become the dumping ground for garbage and all forms of waste. Sidewalks on 5th Ave., and Walnut Street is so overgrown with brush that in some places foot traffic is impaired. Because of dense brush and trees it has also become a habitat for transients that then can pray on our constuents with pan handling and thievery. Please note the sleeping bag under the tree.
The property badly needs to have scrub trees, brush and foliage removed to eliminate the transient issue. Garbage and refuse should be removed and periodic checks maintained to police the area. A cop shop function?
Pictured here are the sidewalks from the corner of Walnut and Freeway Ave. South.
The first picture is North from the alley.
The Second is from the corner looking east.

FYI: Below is a picture of the alley with Mrs. Bronson surveying tasteless yard maintenance.

To be fair, the place is not without it's beauty.
This action to clean this area up and 
maintain it in a clean state is essential.

It is one of the first sites that meet the eyes of people 
coming off the freeway and viewing the city for the first time.