The meeting was called to order by chairman Steve Spickard at 7:13 PM at S. 918 Cedar. There were 8 in attendance. The minutes from last meeting were read. A Motion was made by Virginia Schurra seconded by Edna Meyer to approve the minutes and they were unanimously passed.A letter (e-mail) was read from Marsha Smith regarding her work in 1995 with the graphics for the Historic Cannon’s Addition Neighborhood sign. Discussion was held regarding the content or wording that will be placed on the sign. It was agreed that the wording should read:
Historic Cannon’s Addition
Established in 1883
By A.M. and Jennie CannonAn e-mail was read from Martina regarding her opinion of the different graphic methods and the costs. She specializes in graphic arts and has worked for KXLY in this capacity for many years.. According to her correspondence hand painting would be costly. Silk screening would be $500 and up. Vinyl signage with protected lettering would run $660. A question of whether Martina knew that we are wanting the signage on both sides of the signs was brought up. Mike Wetherall, who has knowledge of the funds available for this project was in attendance. He stated that the amount of money available is $1123.24 The wing of the committee that has overseen the monies for this project over the years is CANA Cannon Area Neighborhood Association. A motion to get bids was made by Edna Meyer, seconded by Rachel Martin and unanimously approved.
After the drawing for unknown good stuff the meeting was adjourned.
Submitted by Sue Marion