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In the foreground is Tom Hemken.
To his left and around the room are: Edna Meyer, Betty Nichols,
Ann Price, Rachel Martin, John Simanton, Grace Hanson, Bud Hull, George Avellar, Staci Bewick, John Downes, Sue Marion, Shirly Richard and Maureen Cosgrove. |
The meeting was called to order at 7:09 PM by Chairman Steve Spickard. There were 14 in attendance.The minutes from the July Meeting were read and approved.
Ann M. Price was our guest speaker from Second Harvest Food Bank ( http://www.shfoodbank.org ). This organization located at 1234 Front St. in Spokane. She thanked us for the $415 that we suggested the board give them for the year 2003. Second Harvest Food Bank is the umbrella organization for 21 agencies serving Eastern Washington, Northern Idaho and Eastern Montana. Americas Second Harvests is the National overseeing organization. Food donations come in from all over the country and go to such rescue sources such as City Gate Neighborhood Food pantry Salvation Army and St. Vincent de Paul Ronald Mc Donald House. The funds that she is requesting would go towards the cost of transporting food here. She told us that they service 16,000 people every month and of those 7000 are children.. The money would also go towards purchasing produce and perishables. She explained that these impoverished families needed fresh fruits and vegetables too for their nutritional needs. Ann discussed the focus the Second Harvest has on children and families with disabilities. 80% live below the poverty level. The interviews with clients revealed underemployment and seasonal workers are underpaid and under worked. The survey question:was asked, "Do you ever go without food so your children can eat? How often? asked by the Second Harvest Food Bank. Completion of the survey states that recipients answered was often yes...more then once a month? ......many replied yes. The heating bills in the Winter and school clothes were mentioned as sources of stress.
The most recent campaign for donations is the Scouting For Food Drive with the Boy Scouts. They will be picking up can donations on Saturday November 8th.. City Gate received 88,000 lbs. of food in 2002. 15 lbs. per person for three to four days supply of food per person is the guideline for how much is distributed . Each person is required to show proof of how many live in their household and also must prove their identification and address. 60,000 lbs. per month for 21 agencies in the Inland Empire 13 million lbs in 2002 to low or very low income households. These peoples stories are varied. 974 people were served from our 99204 zip code area.
Miryam's House is a transitional home for single women. It is located on 9th Ave. in our neighborhood. Two representatives from Miryam's House spoke with us during the meeting. Maureen Cosgrove and Shirley Richard thanked us for giving money to them in the past. The women that live at Miryam's House are in transition out of domestic violence homelessness recovering substance abuse issues and developing stabilizing network of employment and self sufficiency. Tenants pay up to one third of their rent. In years past money given to Miryam's House has gone to the purchase of a much needed refrigerator and stove. Maureen and Shirley expressed their deep appreciation for our efforts. The Alumni Program helps those who have moved on and need to remain connected with staff or counselors for stabilization and the support network that it offers. The capacity of Miryam;'s House is up to ten in a communal style living situation. Currently, ages range from 19 to 60.
Sidewalk report was given by John Downes With matching funds available we spent $20,000 on sidewalk repair in our neighborhood or $24 a foot. We are still waiting for the Census Bureau to finish their analysis so that we may know if our $25,000 from HUD will increase if our boundaries are expanded.
The sign issue was addressed. Final colors for the sign were decided. Moved by John Downes and seconded by Tom Hemken and unanimously passed by all. The bid from Designer Decal (http://www.designerdecal.com) was approved. Moved by Sue Marion and seconded by Tom Hemken.. Betty Nichols son, Rick, of Nichols Brothers motors will be doing the preparation work
The membership approved a letter to be sent to the Spokane Park Board, Our CD Board and the Burlington Northern Santa Fe Railroad proposing that certain areas around Polly Judd Park be used to compost leaves and to start a community garden. The letter can be accessed here: https://cannonsaddition.tripod.com/pollylet.html
The motion was made by Bud Hull seconded by Rachel Martin and unanimously passed. John Downes voiced concerns that if Polly Judd Park was to be used to compost the annual leaf collection that all of Spokane would show up. With this concern the letter was revised to imply local pick up with address verification at the site. Leaves are currently sent to Oregon. Why so far away? If they can benefit from our leaves why can't we? Also, a suggestion to study other cities and how they handle leaf collection was made to help the process. The issue of smell was brought up. Tom Hemken said that the nitrogen level in the leaves would virtually eliminate this problem. The question of whether a shredder might be available from the city was brought up to assist with the decomposition.John Downes said that he wrote a letter to the Park Department regarding the benches and tables that were long ago approved. The Park Department said they needed the original request as they did not know where it was and need one before they can act. The secretary will look in the archives to see if it can be found.
Under old business the Needs and Priorities questionnaire which is normally processed by the CDNC; this task will be done by Chairman Steve Spickard and Secretary Sue Marion.
A motion to adjourn was made by John Simanton and seconded by Rachel Martin and unanimously agreed to.
Respectfully submitted,
Sue Marion, Secretary