The meeting was called to order at 7:10 by Chairman Tom Hemkin. There were 15 in attendance. The minutes of September 7 were read and approved.
Old Business
Committee Reports
-Trees: Mr. Hull reported that there is not enough room on Maple Street for trees. The question of tree maintenance came up and Tom suggested that the SPARC organization could be tapped for manpower. Mr. and Mrs. Small, present at the meeting, mentioned that they are interested in acquiring trees in front of their house. The Tree Committee will be meeting again.
-Sidewalks: John Downes reported that the sidewalk repair is under way.
-Park: Steve Spickard pointed out that at Polly Judd there is the form of a natural amphitheatre. He also said that a Frisbee golf course would not be safe at the park because small children could be injured.
-CDNC: Joann Moyer was not present so no report was available.
New Business
Leaf Pick-up
John Downes reported that the November 6 pick-up is scheduled and a flyer is ready to be mailed. The flyer will also include information about the November meeting. We need volunteers for the pick-up.
First Presbyterian would like to help with raking and bagging leaves as well as provide refreshments and encouragement at the park.
New Budget
John Downes reported that the 2000 Census statistics and the increase in our territory mean an increase in our budget to a total of $38,000; consequently our social service contributions will be $5,700.
Kevin Brownlee, from the City of Spokane Community Development Office
and a guest speaker at the meeting, spoke about the Federal Department
of Housing and Urban Community Development Block Grant. The original
purpose of this was for capital improvements. Further information
is available on a document provided by Kevin Brownlee.
Traffic signs are the responsibility of the Engineering Department
and HUD will not allocate funds to the City’s budget. Tom proposed
a liaison to the city regarding our concerns about traffic. The Cliff-Cannon
group has traffic as one of their concerns.
Grant Requests
John Downes will preview the grant requests before the November meeting.
Other Business
Tom Hemkin has discussed the matter of the behavior of SPARC participants in the park with the person in charge of SPARC. There have been some arrests made in the park.
John Downes announced that a Community Development Workshop will be held October 12 at 6:30 at Veteran’s Arena.
Edna Meyer nominated Steve Spickard for traffic coordinator. Sandy
Gill offered to help with the organization of traffic concerns in January.
The meeting was adjourned at 8:30.
Respectfully submitted,
Rachel Martin