The meeting was called to order by President, Susan Downes. There were twelve in attendance. The minutes of September 6 were read, corrected and approved.Marilyn Saunders, Director of Spokane C.O.P.S Shops brought “crime maps” and told us about accessing the computer and putting one’s own report without waiting on the phone. She gave us copies of the crime analysis weekly and yearly report. She also brought us up to date on the McGruff House, Block Watch, and asked us to become familiar with the office and Police officers of our C.O.P.S Shop. Identity theft, panhandlers, sex offenders, halfway houses and car thefts were discussed, with accompanying flyers.
Rosemary Small reported on the proposed CDNC report. There will be 2 flyers per year. Steve Spickard reminded us again we have a Cannon’s Addition web site.
Committee Reports:
PARK—It was discussed—should there be a tracer report on our orders? Bresler told Pres. Susan, “Tables and benches will be installed any moment”
SIDEWALKS—New ones were put in mostly on 8th and Maple with immediate vandalism. It was discovered in time to repair.
TREES—Kevin Brownlee, Tony Mederchee, and Jim Flatt have no record of anyone in our CD neighborhood wanting trees. Do we need a trace report here too?
LEAF PICK—The vote carried that there was no leaf pickup this year. Bud Hull made a motion that we use the $400 in our allotment for the neighborhood cleanup b giving out vouchers in $10 increments at the next meeting. Rosemary Small seconded. Passed with a unanimous vote.
Social service grants will be discussed next month.Winter potluck was discussed but not enpugh interest at this time.
John Downes made a motion we ahvea good commercial flyer for the November meeting. Gene Bronson seconded.Passed unanimously. We have 1300 for the Community Budget printing which costs $500 each time.Meeting Adjourned at 8:15 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Mary C Bronson, Secretary