Minutes for Historic Cannon’s Addition
Community Development Steering Committee
Tuesday, November 1, 2005 (amended)

The meeting was called to order by Vice Chair, John Downes.  There were twenty-one in attendance.  The minutes of October 4, were read, and approved as read.

Rosemary Small was complimented on the flyer.  Several CD neighborhood residents attended the Cliff-Cannon Neighborhood Meeting and heard the two local district City Council candidates speak


Park: John Downes explained that the administration of HUD in Washington DC is insisted that money going to neighborhoods be spent in one year. Therefore, the Spokane Parks Department will have to move faster to spend the money in the year it was allocated.  Spokane has 9-10 million dollars “just sitting there” and will need to spend it within the next 1 ½ years. The drop dead date for this is April 2007.

Trees:  Bud Hull reported that Jim Flott lost all the forms that had been turned in to request trees.  Bud is taking responsibility for keeping track of the new forms.

C.O.P.S. Shop:  Bud Hull reported the SW C.O.P.S. Shop will need to move as the landlord is now asking for $700 a month in rent plus utilities.  Therefore the $600 plus allocated for floor repair may be put toward something else.  Discussion was held.  Gene Bronson moved that $634.95 be allocated to sidewalks, Phil Small seconded, and it was passed unanimously.

Neighborhood Clean-up:  Acting Chairman John Downes had vouchers in $10 increments for the $400 available for leaf clean-up.  This change from previous years was discussed and voted on last month.  Attendees could sign up for the vouchers.


Acting Chairman John Downes passed out the “wish list” for the eleven social service agencies.   We can give out 15% of our $38000 allotment or $5700 to social service needs.  John reviewed the 2006 projects and allocation requests.  Maureen Cosgrove of Miryam House gave an explanation of their problems and how they use our assistance money.  Pastor Kevin Finch, of the First Presbyterian Church, said he would try and get volunteered money from the Mission Fund if we are short of funds for the neighborhood leaf cleanup (which took quite a hit this year).

Motion made by Gene Bronson and seconded by Tom Hemkin for the following allotments:

Miryam House  $2000
YWCA-Spokane  $600
C.O.P.S. Shop  $1500
Neighborhood Clean-up $1600
Passed unanimously

Motion made by Gene Bronson and seconded by John Zahner for the following allotments

Physical Improvements, sidewalk Reconstruction  $ 29,389
Communications                         $1500
CDNC salary              $1411
Passed unanimously

John Zahner moved and Gene Bronson seconded the meeting be adjourned. The motion passed unanimously and the meeting closed at 8:15 PM

Respectfully submitted,

Mary Bronson, Secretary

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