Historic Cannon’s Addition Neighborhood Minutes
November 5, 2002The meeting was called to order at 7:10 and then again at 7:23 by Chairman Steve Spickard. There were 18 in attendance.
Mark Reily, director of Peaceful Valley Community Center was our guest speaker. He spoke about his programs at the center located at 214 N. Cedar. The Kid's Program that happens Tuesday through Friday and all day Saturday offer a variety of activities for the kids with arts and crafts such as pottery and ceramics. Children are assisted from the staff. On average 14 kids participate in such events as going to the Garland Movie Theater, or the Ice Palace in Riverfront Park. Mark also mentioned that Dance students from Spokane Falls Community College are giving dance instruction after school at 5:30 at no charge for the kids. Free laundry facility is available at the center. On Fridays, free soup lunch at 11:30 and at 12:30, the Enough to Eat Program kicks in with free food such as bread, milk, vegetables and fruit. The clothing bank is welcoming donations from the public of reusable clothing, appliances and furniture. Mark stated that there is a tax benefit for your donations through a 501c3. The Spokane Neighborhood Economic Development Association or SNEDA has affiliation with Peaceful Valley Community Center.
Historic Cannon’s Addition Community Development Neighborhood is considering CDBG (Community Development Block Grants) funding allocations. These funds are granted by HUD annually to Cannon’s Addition CD neighborhood. There is $3750 available (15% of the $25,000 for public service organizations who have requested funds.
This year nine organizations have requested funds. Requests for 2003Coalition of Responsible Disabled $1000
Institute of Neighborhood Leadership $500
Peaceful Valley Community Center $1000
Second Harvest Food Bank $1100
Spokane Youth Sports $5000
Volunteers of America Emergency Assistance Program $1000
Volunteers of America Hope House $2000
YMCA RSVP Retired and Senior Volunteer Program $500
YWCA Alternatives to Domestic Violence $1000After discussions of the CDBG funds available and history of previous years allocation, a motion by Barbara Freeman and seconded by Mary Bronson, the following:
Public Service Funding Recommendations
1. Coalition of Responsible Disabled $415
2. Institute of Neighborhood Leadership $15
3. Peaceful Valley Community Center $415
4. Second Harvest Food Bank $415
5. Spokane Youth Sports Association $430
6. Volunteers of America Emergency Assistance program $415
7. Volunteers of America HOPE House $415
8. YMCA, RSVP program $415
9. YWCA Alternatives to Domestic Violence $415Public Service Total $3750
These recommendations were unanimously approved.
Matching funds programs/Physical Improvements
1:1 match, up to $20,000
Sidewalks $14,906
Street Trees $0
Park $1,3443:1 match for:
Single Family Housing Rehab $5,000Physical Improvements Total $19,906
Laura Mincks made a motion that the CDNC salary subliment of $1344 be allocated to Parks. This motion was seconded by Barb Freeman and unanimously approved.
A motion was made by John Simanton to adopt these recommendations for CDBG 2003 Funding Allocations. Seconded by John Zahner and then approved with two negative votes.The sign report was postponed until our meeting in December.
It was announced that the East side of Cedar is now in our neighborhood boundary according to the letter from Michael Adolphae. The poor condition of the sidewalks on this side of the street has been long lamented and now funds will be available for the repair.
A motion was made by Sue Marion and seconded Virginia Schurra that we have a potluck meeting as part of the Steering Committee meeting on December 3rd at an earlier time of 6:00PM before the drumming begins for the African Dance event. The potluck set up subcommittee will be headed up by Sue Downes and Sue Marion.
A request by Kevin Brownlee to have an active member list be sent to the CDNC. Edna Meyer is in charge of the membership roster.
The subcommittees for the following:
Sidewalk, Park, Trees, History, Communication, Clean Up Events and Social were mentioned by chairman Steve Spickard as being part of the by laws and in need of member bolstering. Virginia Schurrer , Barb Freeman and Sue Marion said they wanted to be on the Park subcommittee. Barb Freeman also said that she would like to be on the Tree subcommittee. This topic will be on the Agenda for the meeting in December.After the unknown good things were given out a motion was made by John Simanton and seconded by John Downes that the meeting be adjourned. This motion was unanimously approved.
Submitted by Sue Marion