The meeting was called to order at 7pm by Chairman Tom Hemkin. There were 18 in attendance. The minutes of November 2 were read and approved.Old Business:
-Tom gave the current budget balance: $ 5,030.26 Trees
$ 1,778.33 Communication
$ 1,420.10 Clean-up
$ 1,559.61 Cop Shop
$ 12, 964.24 Polly Judd-Bud Hull reported that funds had been approved for the purchase of an air conditioner for the Cop Shop. There should be funds left over for carpet and linoleum.
Committee Reports:
-Trees: No meeting was held due to prior commitments but Bud Hull reported that priority for trees is in visible areas.-Clean-up: Betty Nichols, John Downes, and Bud Hull reported that the leaf pick-up at Polly Judd was a great success. Much appreciation for help from First Presbyterian Church was noted and a letter of thanks will be sent. Edna Meyer suggested that in the future we should have members of the neighborhood sign up to help.
-CDNC: John Downes reported that a resolution in the Riverpark Square Garage issue is possible wherein monies promised to the neighborhoods will in fact be awarded.
New Business:
-There was to have been a guest speaker to give a presentation on Traffic Calming but the speaker was not present.-CDNC: We need to define the duties of this office. The position pays $7 per hour.
There was some discussion of the Needs and Priorities Survey, the highlights of which were that the survey should be brief, accomplished by the CDNC rep., and could be sent in postcard format.-Election of new officers: It was moved and seconded to hold an election in March. A nominating committee of Mary Bronson, Susan Downes, and Edna Meyer was appointed.
-Sue Marion suggested putting in a tennis court at Polly Judd Park. This could be expensive but would be of great value to the entire neighborhood. Sue also suggested that something be done about the unsightly vacant lot at the corner of 6th and Walnut. As this turns out to be part of the Downtown Neighborhood jurisdiction, it was suggested that Tom Hemkin write the president of that Steering Committee or that Sue contact the group.
The meeting was adjourned at 8:30.
Respectfully submitted,
Rachel Martin