The meeting/potluck was called to order by Chairman Steve Spickard. There were 18 in attendance. The minutes from Novembers meeting were read and a motion was made by John Downes to accept them with the corrections discussed. John Simanton seconded this motion and it was unanimously approved.
The Committee Report to the Board , due December 13, 2002 was topic of discussion. Laura Mincks was asked for assistance in the summary completion.
With the by-laws of our CD neighborhood in mind, a motion was made by John Downes to change the neighborhood boundary description to read, "both sides of Cedar" to replace the previous description which read, "the West side of Cedar". This motion was seconded by John Simanton and approved by all.
The sign for Historic Cannon’s Addition Neighborhood was discussed and encouragement flourished for the completion of the project. The city sign shop needs to contacted in regards to the manufacturing of the decals for the graphics. Laura Mincks said that she would be able to handle the graphics preparation computer work necessary for the completion of this sign.
The Cannon’s Addition web site was discussed briefly. The address was given again and everyone was urged to visit this site at their earliest convenience.
The traffic safety issue of 10th and Maple was discussed. The Cliff/Cannon Neighborhood Council is spearheading this situation. People were encouraged to participate in this very important problem. A report from John Simanton will be given in March regarding the status of traffic changes of 10th and Maple given
Under new business, the election of Chairperson, Vice Chair, Secretary,
Membership Chairman was held.
With unanimous approval, the following people were elected for the
Historic Cannon’s Addition Community Development 2003 positions;
Chairman: Steve Spickard
Vice-Chairman: Ted Barwell
Secretary: Sue Marion
Membership Chairman: Edna Myers
After the unknown good things were given out a motion was made by John Zahner for our December meeting to adjourn. John Simanton seconded this motion and then unanimously passed by all.
Submitted by Sue Marion