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John Henry, Code Enforcement Officer for the city of Spokane was the guest speaker and was invited to speak first. The Code is posted at http://www.spokanecity.org/citycode/ Steve read the formal complaint to the city regarding the empty lot on the South East Corner of Fifth(Freeway Ave. South) and Walnut. The owners, Vincent and Janet Dressel, were contacted and briefed on the situation by Steve Spickard by phone today. They were invited to participate in the neighborhood meeting. They declined. John Henry accepted the affidavit of complaint and said that he would get on it. He explained that on average 2.5 tons of trash are picked up from each complaint sight. He added that if there is an abandoned vehicle involved then the Abandoned Vehicles Dept. would need to take care of it. Street crews are available for street cleanup but nothing past the curb. Discussion commenced as to whether the COP SHOP volunteers would be needed to participate in the cleanup of this lot. Shirley Wilson voiced frustration that in the past the COP SHOP has been reluctant to participate at this same site. She said that she has many photos of situations at this corner that has been reported and chronicled. Panhandling has also been photographed. Spokane Police Officer Colin Conway was mentioned as the contact for further assistance with vagrants who can be armed and dangerous. A Pride of Ownership Campaign form letter written by Chairman Spickard was reviewed. This letter will be sent to property owners encouraging them to participate in the clean up of their property.
The minutes from the March meeting were read and approved.
Old business of the sign was briefly talked about. The name and number of the person who actually did the hands on work for the sign in Brownes Addition was requested. The CDNC for Brownes Addition, Rochelle White was called to request this information. Mary Moltke, daughter of Steering Committee Meeting members Gene and Mary Bronson, said that they simply took the design to a sign shop and had them do it.
The traffic pattern revision was subject for vibrant debate. The opening discussion began with Sue Marion stating that she was frustrated that this reworking of the traffic pattern, having been born of the dangerous condition at the corner of 10th and Maple, could easily be corrected for a fraction of the cost. Traffic mirrors work in Europe...they can work here too. The driver of a vehicle or the pedestrian on foot would then be able to see if there is on coming traffic coming up and around that corner. Problem solved right? Well, the rallying cry in favor of utilizing the $250,000 now is born out of fear of losing the grant all together. If we don't spend all the money on this particular sight then the grant will be lost, they say. Its an all or nothing situation they say. Wouldn't it free up money for other traffic safety dilemmas. Wouldn't that free up these moneys? Surely, we have other traffic safety issues that would benefit from this bigger better bang for our buck. Steve Hanson, grant writer has not come up with a date for further public discussion yet. The one meeting in October at Roosevelt Elementary School had attendance but not what it would have been if more people had known about it through the media. Can't we use the smaller amount needed to fix the public safety issue at 10th and Cedar with a mirror and then have the balance used at other sights? Nonetheless, John Downes made a motion to approve the traffic pattern revision, this was seconded by Mary Bronson. With the exception of one frustrated nay vote, the motion was passed by the rest.
John Downes read from the Sidewalk Inventory that was handed in for this years repairs. $19,000 is available through matching funding. He gave us a copy of the sidewalk repairs to be completed in 2003. Follow that link to see a list of sidewalks and wheelchair ramps to be repaired and installed.
The Spring House Greening Event doorknob notices were handed out. The training will once again be at the COP SHOP SW at 6th and Maple on April 15th at COP SHOP SW at 7:00 PM. The actual event will be on April 19th at 8:00 AM and will start at the COP SHOP aforementioned.
Save Our Bluff Campaign was discussed. More information is available at http://www.saveourbluff.org/ Dr. John Moyers asked if the area in question could be declared as a historic property. He told us that 14th Ave. used to be a highway from Latah Creek down below. Theresa Brown was mentioned as the contact for the Historical Preservation Society. Steve Smart and Dwight Damon are said to be the owners of this property. The benefits to them having the property along the bluff declared historical are noteworthy.
Under New business, dates for the Fall events which include the Large Appliance Pick Up, Curbside Pick Up, and the Leaf Pick Up event was discussed. The sooner we request the dates the better chance of getting them. The dates decided on are Thursday October 30th for Curbside and Appliance Pick Up Events and Saturday November 1st for the Clean Green Leaf Pick Up.
Cannon's Addition Renewable Resource Project at Polly Judd Park was discussed. The possibility of changing our routine of spending thousands of dollars on leaf pick up with the bins and instead having the leaves brought down to the flat area North of the playground area was introduced. This would enrich the soil and prepare it for a community garden.
The Social Committee proposed a Bring a Friend Party especially after the sign is finally up.
A Walkable Community Workshop at Hillyard Masonic Temple will be held
on the 7th of April from 12.:30 to 5 PM. For further information contact
Shannon Amidon 343-6370.
The Needs and Priorities Worksheet was handed out and is due in June.
After the drawing for unknown good stuff the meeting was adjourned at 9:00.
Submitted by Sue Marion, Secretary.
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