Minutes for Historic Cannon’s Addition Steering Committee
May 7, 2002
The meeting was called to order by chairman Steve Spickard at 7:10 There were 15 in attendance. The minutes from last months meeting were read from April 2nd meeting and corrections were made with minor corrections made to the spelling of John Downes last name. Also, the designated contact with the city for the May appliance pick up event is Laura Minks and not Steve Spickard as stated.Karen Marshall of the Office of Historic Preservation Program was our guest speaker. She spoke about the historic registers being the official lists of properties deemed worthy of preservation. Listing in an historic register encourages preservation, recognition, and rehabilitation. The registers are also strong reminders that the preservation and reuse of historic properties is economically beneficial. She also spoke about the restrictions for this federally funded program and further detailed the benefits awaiting those who qualify. Investment Tax Credits for commercial property, plaques and national recognition were discussed. This federal tax credit is for income producing property, including residential rental. A credit of 20 to 25% of the amount of qualified rehabilitation expenditures may be deducted from your federal income tax. The qualifications include the property must be listed in the National Register and the work must meet federal standards.. Additional incentives include Open Space Taxation Facade/Conservation Easements, Conditional Use Permits, Building Code Relief, and Rental Rehab.
Karen let us know about a Home Renovator’s Fair which is a vintage house products and ideas show coming up on September 21 and 22 , 2002 For further information on the fair contact www.historicspokane.org 509-625-6970
For further general information contact :
Spokane Historic Preservation Office
City Hall Room 614
808 W. Spokane Falls Blvd.
Spokane, WA 99201
509-625-6817 FAXKaren Marshall’s e mail address is kmarshall@spokanecity.org
John Downes and Tom Hemken gave their report on the household count along Cedar and Adams streets. Discussion was held on expanding the border of the neighborhood to include the East side of Cedar. The survey conducted indicates that on Cedar the inclusion of the east side would increase the number of households and apartments by 24. If we included Adams(both sides) there would be an additional 73 households. Discussion was held regarding the motivation to include the east side of Cedar. The poor sidewalk condition was sighted. It was agreed that Cedar acts as our border and major pedestrian route to and from downtown. It was decided at this time that we should include the east side of Cedar and not Adams as there is no funding increase associated with this expansion according to John Downes and his discussion with Michael Adolfae The motion was presented by John Downes to request the inclusion of east side of Cedar to the Community Development Board. The motion was then seconded by Tom Hemken and unanimously passed by all.
Barb Freeman was not at the meeting to give her report on the COPSHOP SW need for capital improvements on the building that may still need to be made.
Chairman Steve Spickard stated that Taylor Bressler from the Parks Dept. will meet with us for our proposal of sites for our sign this week. Edna Myers suggested that we have a celebration party for the sign placement.
The Large Appliance Pick Up Event is May 16th. There is still plenty of opportunity for our neighbors to get rid of there old appliances however, the calls to arrange for their pick up need to be made by May 13, 2002
The Needs and Priorities Worksheet for the Community Development Neighborhoods was discussed by Laura Mincks. She emphasized the importance of getting these worksheets filled out and sent in as they are important in determining the needs and priorities of our neighborhood and how the available funding should be divided.
New business of fine tuning the web site with the new address of http://cannonsaddition.org The map and the resource list was discussed and polished with suggestions for improvement.
The Fall Clean Up date needs to be requested as soon as possible from the city. The date of Saturday November 2, 2002 was determined to be our first choice of possible dates. John Downes said that he would contact the city to request this date with a secondary choice of November 9, 2002 in case the first choice is not available. This motion was made by John Downes and seconded by Sue Downes and unanimously passed.
The Fall Clean Up dates were discussed. The date of October 31, 2002 was proposed for our Fall CleanGreen Pick Up Event. The date of October 28 was proposed for the Appliance and Curbside pickup events. This motion was made by John Downes and seconded by Tom Hemken and unanimously approved. The cost of all these three events is approximately $1500.
The Summer Steering Committee Retreat at the Bronsons was discussed and the date was set for June 21. We also talked about not having a summer picnic at Polly Judd Park as the participation last year was mediocre.
Information is available regarding tree planting criteria through Tom Hemken who can be reached at 838-3670.
Edna Myers stated that Sheila Collins is running for representative for our district. Edna expressed her endorsement of Sheila and encouraged us to support her run for this office.
After the drawing for unknown good stuff the meeting was adjourned.
Submitted by Sue Marion
Approved June 2, 2002