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The meeting was called to order at 7:03 PM by Chairman Steve Spickard. There were 11 in attendance.
The minutes from the May Meeting were read and approved.
Under old business the Needs and Priorities questionnaire which is normally processed by the CDNC, this task will be done by Chairman Steve Spickard and Secretary Sue Marion.
The Save Our Bluff Campaign was discussed. See the issues at http://www.saveourbluff.org/ Steve Spickard submitted a letter to be sent to the City Planning Department expressing the Committee's adamant belief there should be no development of the bluff. It was moved by Ted Barnwell and seconded by John Simanton that the letter with minor adjustments be sent. The motion was passed unanimously. The letter makes three points. There is potential liability to the city, developers, and real estate agents. The ground for development is unstable. The area is already in use by hundreds of folks as a nature trail. The approved letter may be seen here: https://cannonsaddition.tripod.com/savbluflet.html
The sidewalk repair list was mentioned. It can be found at: https://cannonsaddition.tripod.com/sidewk03.htm. Work will commence sometime after the first of July and before the snow falls.
The Polly Judd Park Renewable Resource Project was discussed with a slide show proposing the site below the cliff with access from 15th avenue to be the location for the disposal of Autumn leaves. Much of the area is land fill from Expo '74 construction. The possibility of changing our routine of spending thousands of dollars on leaf pick up with bins could be a thing of the past. This practice would enrich the soil and prepare it for a community garden. To learn how to compost enter: http://www.solidwaste.org
Under new business, the Cannon's Addition Steering Committee Summer retreat was discussed. All were encouraged to attend this fun and beneficial event up at Gene and Mary Bronson's home on Twin Lake, Idaho. The event will take place on June 22 from 1 to dark. For directions or a ride call Steve at 747-5745 or his cell 280-1904. To see pictures of last year's event enter https://cannonsaddition.tripod.com/twinlks.htm
Members are also invited to a City wide Community Development Pot luck on July 10th from 5 to 7 at Grant Park in the East Central Neighborhool.
Laura Mincks position as CDNC Community Development Neighborhood Coordinator was discussed. Her absense is felt. There is a need for a replacement. Secretary Sue Marion voiced her wish to become CDNC liaison as there is interest and growing knowledge of the inner workings of citizen participation and the Community Development program. John Downes expressed his concern that the incoming CDNC not circumvent the wishes of the Steering Committee as was done with the naming of Polly Judd Park years ago by an unnamed CDNC. This fact has left a deep impression on the long time active members. The fact remains that according to Laura Mincks, the secretary is not allowed to be both. Perhaps there can be an override by the Community Development Board?
The deadline for the request for work to be done in Polly Judd Park was on Sunday June 1st. Sue Marion suggested we tell the Park department that we now have the money to intall the benches and tables therefore we should be able proceed. Later that evening, Secretary Sue Marion talked to Park Board Member, Steve Corker, at the West Central Community Center. This fact was discussed and Mr. Corker said that he didn't think it would be difficult to implement a grace period, therefore allowing for this allocation to be approved. Stay tuned.
John Simanton suggested each subcommittee head make reports at each meeting.
The sign is on hold until we get the traffic construction completed at tenth and Maple
A motion to adjourn was made and passed. The meeting was adjourned at 9:00.
Submitted by Sue Marion, Secretary.