Minutes for Historic Cannon’s Addition Steering Committee
April 2, 2002The meeting was called to order by chairman Steve Spickard at 7:06 PM. 13 were in attendance. Gene Bronson acknowledged the fine work of John Downes now leaving the position of Chairman of our neighborhood and was presented with a plaque of appreciation. Thank you John.
The minutes from the March meeting were read. John Downs moved for the minutes to be approved, it was seconded and unanimously approved after an amendment was made to include Barb Freeman in the Spring House Greening event.
RSVP (Retired and Senior Volunteer Program) and the Historic Cannons Addition Steering Committee will be having a hazardous waste cleanup on Saturday April 20, 2002 Discussion regarding the door hangers notifying the neighborhood of this event and the need to have them in place by Tuesday the 9th of April to allow enough time for arrangements to be made in preparation. The door knob hangers were handed out to the volunteers and arrangements made to get a batch to Rachel Martin who was not present.
Hazardous Waste Management Training Volunteer training will be held on Monday April 15 at CopShop SW on 6th and Maple at 7pm. Volunteers filled out participation forms to be turned into CW from RSVP by John Downes. Barb Freeman stated that she would like to participate in the training and hazardous waste pick up event.
Expansion of the neighborhood boundaries was discussed. John Downes stated that if the boundaries were expanded the amount of funding may not necessarily increase. Funding to CD neighborhoods is based on population. However, even with the increase that would occur with an expansion of the boundaries; it was noted by John that this still may not allow for an increase in funding. A sub committee headed up by John and Tom Hemken will conduct a household count and at the same time would be surveying the trees along Cedar and Adams. They will report to the committee at next months meeting. Expansion of the boundaries going East to Monroe was discussed noting that this possible inclusion would not impinge on any other CD neighborhood as this area is not included in any other CD neighborhood. Question of an increase in funding from HUD to our CD will be taken up with Michael Adolfae and the sub committee taking this census.
The sign for our neighborhood was discussed as far as the placement issue and the possible realignment of the traffic pattern at the 10th and Cedar area. Taylor Bresler of the Parks Dept. is our contact regarding this issue as this department will be responsible for the mowing of the grass up to the sign. Tom Hemken mentioned that $800 is due to the sign maker to finish silk screening and providing 6 decals for the sign.
The spring Clean-Green pick up event was discussed and the need to schedule far in advance for a May date. A motion made by Barb Freeman that the event be changed to be a large appliance pick up and that the Clean-Green event be moved to the Fall was made, seconded and approved unanimously. Laura Mincks said that she would contact the city to set up this event in May. The day of the week for this event should not fall on our regular garbage pick up day of Friday. Notification to the neighborhood should be a part of the invitation to our next meeting due the first week of May. A motion was made for the date of Thursday May 16 was seconded and unanimously passed. Question of who would receive telephone calls from neighbors setting up appliance pick ups was discussed and as of yet has not been assigned. John Downes (not present at this time) may want to do it and if not, Laura Mincks said that she wouldn’t mind taking on the task.
Committee volunteer appointments were updated. Trees committee will include Barb Freeman. Also Laura Mincks should be added to the Parks committee.
Laura Mincks gave a report form CDNC meeting held on April 1, 2002. Sandy Gill ran the meeting acting as spokesperson for the Neighborhood Leadership Committee. Laura stated that Sandy would be available to have training session on leadership, role of communication, recruitment of new members. Funds are available for this training.
Priority Needs questionnaire along with the Summer Potluck notification at Polly Judd Park was suggested to be included in the invitation sent out for our next meeting. Gene and Mary Bronson suggested that their lake home on Lower Twin Lake be the location for our summer pot luck for committee members only. This suggestion was met with approval by all.
Discussion of transfer of funds from Cop Shop improvement to the sidewalk improvement funds was put on hold until Barb Freeman can discuss any possible improvements to Cop Shop still needing to be done. The necessity of having approval first before the actual work is done was reiterated as not having prior approval will negate this funding possibility. Barb Freeman said she would report on this situation at next months meeting.
Steve Spickard showed the Historic Cannon’s Addition CD Neighborhood Web Site that he and Sue Marion created.. A printout of the first page of the site was made available. A laptop computer with the links from the first page was available for the steering committee to review all the pages on the site. The resource map and list was discussed and the need to expand the list to include nursing homes, the 6th Ave. Bridge Club, Yoga Studios, Al -Anon etc. The temporary address for our website is http://www.stevespickard.tripod.com/cannon.
After the drawing for unknown good stuff the meeting was adjourned.Submitted by Sue Marion