Proposed Minutes For Historic Cannon’s Addition Community Development Steering Committee
December 2, 2003
In the foreground is Mary and Gene Bronson, to the left and around the 
room are Edna Meyer, Betty Nichols, Bud Hull, Rachael Martin, John Downes,
John Estelle, Susan Downes, Sue Marion, and John Zimmer.

The meeting was called to order at 7:07 PM by Chairman Steve Spickard.  There were 12  in attendance.  The minutes from the November meeting ( were read and with a few changes there was a motion by John Downes to approve them. This was seconded by Edna Meyer and was passed unanimously.

Reimbursement for hosting our web site was discussed. It was decided that a letter to Michael Adolphae be written requesting  this be paid from the communication funds.  Steve Spickard will contact city hall web master to create a link from to our site: The motion for this letter was made by Sue Marion seconded by John Downes and unanimously passed.

Sign installation is planned for Tuesday December 9th. Celebration of this long awaited event is tentatively planned for Spring/Summer time.

The Polly Judd Renewable Resource Project, an alternative to the yearly leaf issue is gaining momentum. Taylor Bressler of the Parks Department has endorsed the disbursement of leaves over the resource ravine, which can be viewed at  Steve Spickard suggested that the Department of Ecology and/or Department of Agriculture at WSU be contacted in regards to this project.
A motion was made, seconded passed declaring Dr. and Mrs. John Moyers be honorary Members of Cannon's Addition Community Development Steering Committee allowing all voting rights. Dr. Moyer's commitment to out of town with patients have kept him from meetings.  An addendum was suggested by John Downes that a stipulation would be made that this honor not be granted more than once per two year term of a chairman's duty. This was passed.

Elections were held. Gene Bronson being part of the elections nominations committee, made a motion that Tom Hemken be nominated as chairman, Rachael Martin as secretary and John Downes as vice chairman. This was seconded by Sue Marion and unanimously passed. Tom Hemken was not present but passes along by way of Gene that he would gladly do the job.  Racheal Martin accepted her nomination with the understanding that Sue Downes and/or Sue Marion would act as back up if Rachael was not able to attend a given meeting in the next years.

Meeting was adjourned.

Respectfully submitted,

Sue Marion, Secretary