Neighborhood Report of Historic Cannon's Addition
http://cannonsaddition.tripod.comDescription Meeting Highlights Attendance Record
Expenditure Recommendations Expenditure Summary
Membership Standing Committees
Officers and Meeting InformationTO: The Community Development Board
http://www.spokanecitycd.orgFROM: Historic Cannon's Addition Steering Committee
Steve Spickard, neighborhood ChairmanSUBJECT: Historic Cannon's Addition Steering Committee recommendations for the expenditure of $25,000 in 2004 Community Development Block Grant Funds, available July 1, 2004.
Boundaries: North: 1-90 Free to Maple/6th to Cedar Cedar Street East: 14th Avenue (both sides) South: West: The Bluff
Historic Cannon's Addition Community Development NeighborhoodHistoric Cannon's Addition Community Development Neighborhood herein summarizes various activities and meeting agendas during 2003 and recommends the expenditure of $25,000 in 2004 Community Development Block Grand Funds.
Since 1990, Historic Cannon's Addition has been a Community Development neighborhood, encompassing the area on the City of Spokane's lower southwest side between Cedar Streets west to the bluff, and from approximately 1-90 south to 14th Avenue. The City of Spokane is eligible to receive CDBG funds from the U.S.. Department of Housing and Urban Development. Historic Cannon's Addition CD neighborhood is eligible to participate based on U.S.. Census information indicating that the majority of the residents living within its boundaries have low and moderate incomes.
The Steering Committee meets at the Woman's Club at 9th Avenue and Walnut Street on the first Tuesday of each month during the year except for January, February July, and August. Several of the monthly meetings. include special events such as the December Potluck Dinner or announcing the Fall Cleanup campaign for which a neighborhood-wide mailer is sent to households. Additionally, a Phone Committee call each active member of the Steering Committee for all regular meetings. During 2003 we've continued the use of a web site:
http//:cannonsaddition.tripod.com. Included on the site is this report, Meeting Minutes, By-Laws for the Steering Committee, membership roster, annual reports, summary of eligible activities, neighborhood concerns, local history section, and boundary map.This CD neighborhood contains a high percentage of renters. Approximately 1/4 of the active membership on the Steering Committee are renters and 3/ 4 or homeowner or landlords. A majority of the members are long-tirmers and have taken an active part for several years. We support the grass roots philosophy that allows citizens who will be most affected - to influence and direct the spending of public funds to improve" our own neighborhood" and providing them the opportunity to participate as representatives in the democratic process of making choices within the framework and guidelines of this citizen government alliance.
There can be no question that CDBG have greatly benefited this neighborhood for the past many years. CDBG moneys have paid for hundreds of feet of restored sidewalks, wheelchair ramps at street intersections, dozens of new trees; the creation, maintenance, and improvement of Polly Judd Park at 14th and Cherry; the installation of a Cops Shop at 6th and Maple; annual neighborhood cleanups; rehabilitation of several homes; countless social gatherings; and financial assistance to various Public. Service agencies.
The impact of Community Development definitely works well in Historic Cannon's Addition as it has a multiplier effect as shown by the countless number of owner paid for improvements, upgrades, rehabs, in the form of new roofs, new paint jobs, remodels, and beautiful gardens throughout the entire area. Pride of ownership and residence is clearly evident.
Highlights of the Historic Cannon's Addition Neighborhood Steering Committee meetings:March 2003 - 12 in attendance - On line meeting minutes: https://cannonsaddition.tripod.com/min303.html
The guest speaker from RSVP, CW, presented the Spring House Greening program and requested volunteers for the event. The Steering Committee has provided volunteers the past two years.
* Approved the formation of a History Committee. Sue Marion and Ted
Barnwell volunteered to work on it.
* Approved the formation of a Social Committee. Steve Spickard, Shirley Wilson,
and Edna Meyer volunteered to work on it.
* The Renewable Resource project was discussed. Its purpose is to provide for an annual leaf drop off in the flat area North of Polly Judd Park for a possible community garden in future years, as proposed by Sue Marion.
. * Discussed a Code Enforcement complaint about the vacant lot on SE corner of
5th & Walnut.April 2003 - 18 in attendance - On line meeting minutes: https://cannonsaddition.tripod.com/min403.html
The guest speaker" John Henry" Code Enforcement Officer for the City of
Spokane accepted affidavit of complaint regarding litter, vagrants, and panhandlers on the vacant lot on SE comer of 5th & Walnut.
* A Pride of Ownership Campaign form letter written by Steve Spickard was presented. Steve indicated he'd send it to property owners to encourage them to clean up their properties.
* Comments about the reconfiguration of 10th and Maple, an on-going traffic
safety issue.
* Comments about Save Our Bluff campaign.
* Approved the date of Saturday" November 1" for the annual Clean Green Leaf
pickup event at Polly Judd Park.
* Needs & Priorities Worksheets were distributed to all members.May 2003 - 14 in attendance - On line meeting minutes: https://cannonsaddition.tripod.com/min503.html
The guest speaker was Susan Brudnicki of Neighborhood Services.
* Save Our Bluff campaign was discussed.
* Email address for the Steering Committee is available:
* Pride of Ownership campaign bore fruit. Immediately after being contacted"
police action resulted in boarding up 708 S. Maple.
* The Appliance Pickup and Curbside events scheduled for late October were canceled in deference to Cliff/Cannon Neighborhood Council's scheduling of identical events for late Tune.June 2003 - 11 in attendance - On line meeting minutes: https://cannonsaddition.tripod.com/min603.html
* Voted to approve letter supportive of the Save our Bluff campaign.
* Renewal Resource Project was discussed.
* Summer Retreat and Potluck planned for Saturday, June 22 and hosted by
Gene and Mary Bronson at their Twin Lakes, Idaho summer home.
* Urged the Park Department to install picnic tables and benches on concrete pads at Polly Judd Park with funds that have been on hand for 2 years.July 2003 -10 in attendance - On line meeting minutes: https://cannonsaddition.tripod.com/min703.html
* The guest speaker was Tom Grant, candidate for mayor.
* Unanimously approved expansion of neighborhood boundaries to include the area encompassed between 7th and 9th Avenues from Cedar Street to Monroe Street. This is subject to approval by CD Board.October 2003 - 14 in attendance - On line meeting minutes: https://cannonsaddition.tripod.com/min1003.html
* A guest speaker was Ann Price of the Second Harvest Food Bank.
* Other guest speakers were Maureen Cosgrove & Shirley Richard from Miryam House of Transition.
* Colors and some specifications were approved for the neighborhood sign.
* Approved a letter to be sent to the Park Board proposed that certain areas around Polly Judd park be used to compost leaves to start a community garden. On line at: https://cannonsaddition.tripod.com/pollylet.htmlNovember 2003 - 13 in attendance - On line meeting minutes: https://cannonsaddition.tripod.com/min1103.html
* Guest speaker was Sheila Collins for The Hubs-Spokane Public Schools.
* Approved Public service funding and the Steering Committee's 2004 budget request to be forwarded to the CD Board.December 2003 - 11 in attendance - Proposed on line meeting minutes: https://cannonsaddition.tripod.com/min1203.html
* Elections
Attendance Record
March 12, April 18, May 14, June 11, July 10, October 14, November 13The recommendations were discussed and chosen at the Steering Committee's November meeting. We have selected projects and public services that will benefit low and moderate income residents in our neighborhood. The needs and priorities were identified at various of our meetings, and a copy of the results is included in this report. Many of the recommended expenditures are a continuation of previous priorities and activities. These include sidewalk repairs, housing rehabilitation, homeless services, emergency services, community center operation, family support services, health services, and crime prevention. The Steering Committee has strives to take full advantage of available matching funds for sidewalks and housing rehabilitation.
Public Service $3,750 (15%)
Agency: Transitional Programs for Women dba Transitions $1125
Program: Miryam's House of Transition
Location: 3102 W. Fort Wright Drive, Spokane, W A 99204
Contact: Maureen Cosgrove (509) 747-9222Transitions sponsors and initiates programs which foster the personal growth and wholeness of women and children in need. Transitions pursues this mission in part through the operation of Miryam's House of Transition located at 1805 W. 9th Avenue in the Historic Cannon's Addition CD neighborhood. The CDBG funds will be used to supplement staff salaries for case management and group work with alumnae of Miryam's House.
Benefit: Direct and Area Benefit
Priority: High/Medium (Public Service: Homeless Services, Family Support Services, Youth Services)
Agency: Peaceful Valley Community Center $ 500
Program: Community Center Operations Support
Location: 214 N. Cedar Street, Spokane, WA 99201
Contact: Mark Reilly (509) 624-8634The Peaceful Valley Community Center services the surrounding neighborhood including Historic Cannon's Addition. Its goal is to ensure no one in the neighborhoods goes without the basic essentials. The Center offers various programs (free of charge) including Enough to Eat Program, Free Laundry, Free Coffee and Free Clothes. Ninety-eight percent of those served are below the median family income (MFI). The CDBG funds will go toward staff time and expenses to run these programs
Benefit: Direct and Area Benefit
Priority:Medium: (Public Service: Family Support Services, Community Center Operation. Homeless Services).
Agency: Second Harvest Food Bank of the Inland Northwest $ 700
Program: Emergency Food Distribution
Location: 1234 E. Front Street, Spokane, W A 99202
Contact: Jason Clark (509) 534-6678 ext. 207The goal of the program is to support all Spokane agencies operating an Emergency Food Box Outlet by providing sufficient food for all clients. This equals at least a 3-day supply of emergency food per client per visit. CDBG funds will be directed toward: supporting distribution of foods to the hungry throughout network of food outlets - one specifically serving Historic Cannon's Addition neighborhood, City Gate Food Bank. 170 S. Madision.
Benefit: Direct Benefit
Priority: Medium (Public Service: Family Support Services, Health Services, Homeless Services, emergency and Transitional Services).
Agency: Spokane Public Schools $ 925
Program: The Hubs
Location: 200 North Bernard, Spokane, WA 99201
Contact: Fred Schrumpf, Director & Elizabeth Anderson, Asst.Dir. (509) 354-7398The goal of the program is to create community learning centers by utilizing existing school infrastructure to provide safe, structured, well supervised, school based, out-of-school time expanded learning opportunities and activities for inner-city students and families living in low and medium income neighborhoods. The funds will go toward paying for up to 15 full time enrollments (FTE) in a year long Tech Club at Roosevelt Elementary school that has students living in Historic Cannon's Addition neighborhood.
Benefit: Direct and Area Benefit
Priority: Medium; (Public Service Youth Services, Family Support Services, Crime Prevention).Agency: Volunteers of America Emergency Assistance Program $ 500
Program: Emergency Assistance Program
Location: 525 W. 2nd Avenue, Spokane, WA 99201
Contact: Marilee K. Roloff (509) 624-2378This program provides emergency services to low income individuals and families residing in Historic Cannon's Addition neighborhood. VOA will provide information and referral services to other human service organizations when appropriate. VOA fulfills its mission through innovative services and facilities for community groups such as street kids, teen mothers and their babies, homeless single women, the chronically mentally ill, persons with HIV/AIDS, as well as those in need of mediation services. CDBG funds will be used to pay staff salaries and other administrative expenses.
Benefit: Direct and Area Benefit
Priority: High Medium (Public Service: Family Support Services, youth Services, homeless Services, Services for those with Mental Disabilities, Substance Abuse Services, Emergency Services and Crime awareness/prevention).
Sidewalks Reconstruction (1:1 Match) $14,906
Sidewalk repairs have been a top priority in the neighborhood wide plan since 1995, as each block contains areas for needed repair. Many residents rely on public transportation and walking. Being one of Spokane's oldest neighborhoods, the consequence is having many of the region's oldest sidewalks. The Matching Funds program for sidewalks is an invaluable ingredient for improvements, we are appreciative that it is offered again for 2004, and we've strived to utilize the match for the maximum benefit.Benefit: Area Benefit
Priority: High (Infrastructure: Repair sidewalks)Housing Rehabilitation Program (3:1 Match) $ 5,000
Providing lOw interest loans to qualifying low income homeowners in the neighborhood for the rehabilitation of their homes is the purpose for this program. We are pleased that several homes in the neighborhood have already benefited from previously allocated funds in past years, and we anticipate that there will always be a waiting list of applicants to utilize this program. We strive to maximize our available funds to take advantage of the CD Board's generous 3:1 Match program ($3 for every $1 we allocate). We recognize this as an "everybody wins" program - i.e.. just as individual families whose houses are improved benefit, so does the entire neighborhood, since oftentimes a domino effect of improvements to surrounding homes results at no cost to CD funds.Benefit: Priority:
Direct and Area Benefit
High (Housing: Rehabilitation of Owner occupied)
CDNC salary $ 1,344
The neighborhood is without a CDNC for the last six months of 2003. A search is underway for another. Unexpended CDNC Salary funds from past years were transfer to other needs in 2003, but for 2004 the Steering Committee has voted unanimously to reinstate it as a budgeted item. Tasks for the CDNC as directed by the Steering Committee officers include (but are not limited to) copying, mailing, producing flyers and newsletters, attending CD related meetings, contacting implementing departments on all allocations made at the fall meeting, and assisting in the preparation of the Annual Report.
GRAND TOTAL: $25,000
Public Service $3,750 (15%)
Transitional Programs for Women d.b.a. Transitions - Miryam's House of Transition - $ 1,125
Peaceful Valley Community Center - $ 500
Second Harvest Food Bank of the Inland Northwest - $700
Spokane Public Schools - The Hubs - $925
Volunteers of America - Emergency Assistance Program - $500
Physical Improvements - $19,906 (79%)
Sidewalk Reconstruction - $14,906
Single Family Housing Rehabilitation Program - $5,000
Administrative and Planning
CDNC Salary - $1,344Total $25,000
If in the event the current allocation for Historic Cannon's Addition CD Neighborhood is increased, the additional funds should be added to the Physical Improvement item: Sidewalk Reconstruction.
If in the event the current allocation for Historic Cannon's Addition CD Neighborhood is decreased, the reduced funds should be subtracted from Sidewalk Reconstruction,
Historic Cannon's Addition Community Development Neighborhood Steering Committee Officers and Meeting InformationMeeting Place: Woman's Club Ninth and Walnut
Meeting Date: First Tuesday of the Month, except January, February, July and August
Meeting Time: 7:00 p.m.
Steering Committee Officers 2003
Steve Spickard, Chairman
Ted Barnwell, Vice Chairman
Sue Marion, Secretary
Edna Meyer, Membership
Laura Mincks, CDNC2004
Tom Hemken, Chairman
John Downes, Vice Chairman
Rachel Martin, Secretary
MembershipTed Barnwell, Stacie Bewick, Gene Bronson, Mary Bronson, Sheila Collins, John Downes, Susan Downes, John Estelle, Barbara Freeman, Izzy Hawkins, Tom Hemken, Bud Holm, Susan Marion, Rachel Martin, Tim Martin, Edna Myer, Laura Mincks, John Moyer, Joann Moyer, Betty Nichols, John Simanton, Marcia Simanton, Marcia Smith, Steve Spickard, Shirley Wilson, Diane Zahner and John Zahner.
Park Committee
. Steve Spickard, Susan Marion, Laura Mincks
Cleanup Committee
John Downes, Susan Downes, Betty Nichols, Tom Hemken
Trees Committee
Joann Moyer, Izzy Hawkins, Tom Hemken, Marcia Simanton
History Committee
Sue Marion, Ted Barnwell
Sidewalk Committee
John Downes, Susan Downes, Gene Bronson, Mary Bronson, Ted Barnwell, Barbara Freeman, Sue Marion, Steve Spickard
Social Committee
Steve Spickard, Shirley Wilson, Edna Meyer
Telephone Committee
Betty Nichols, Edna Myer
Respectfully submitted by
Steve Spickard, Chairman
Susan Marion, Secretary